Technical supervision
of construction works
Technical supervision is control over the erection of industrial and non-industrial buildings and structures. It includes systematic monitoring of the volume, cost, methods, technology and quality of construction and engineering works in order to ensure compliance with the approved design and budget as well as construction rules and regulations, standards and other applicable requirements.
Depending on the principal tasks the duties of the supervisor will include:
- Technical supervision of construction and engineering works and testing conducted by the Contractor, ensuring their compliance with the Construction Rules and Regulations, GOST standards and other technical regulations as well as Russian legislation.
- Technical supervision of the Contractor's compliance with technological procedures throughout the construction process.
- Technical supervision of the quality of the materials, components and equipment, ensuring compliance with the Construction Rules and Regulations, GOST standards and other technical regulations as well as Russian legislation.
- Ensuring that the construction and engineering works are carried out according to the timeline specified in the Contractor's Agreement and the work schedule approved by the Customer.
- Technical supervision of the timely correction of defects found during the works and on the acceptance stage.
- Technical supervision during the acceptance of the completed stages.
- Technical supervision during the acceptance of concealed works and during the drawing up of Acceptance Certificates for those works.
- Ensuring that the Certificates state the actual volume and quality of the completed works.
- Analysing the initial design and budget documentation for each agreement provided for in the Specification to make sure that the projected scope of work and materials are adequate to the given construction project, that the budgeted scope of work, materials and their cost correspond to the project requirements, that the initial design and budget documentation complies with Construction Rules and Regulations and other obligatory standards and rules. The technical supervisor may provide the Customer with a written report on work completion (on a separate agreement).
BODE provides technical supervision, including the examination of documents and agreements and the examination of the builders' requirements.
When we provide technical supervision services, the customer can expect highly professional business conduct and transparent accounting. Our experts detect every flaw or incongruity and are prepared to make the right decisions in difficult situations.